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I Want to Pray With You

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

July 28, 2019

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Genesis 18:20-32 | Psalm 138 | Col 2:12-14 | Luke 11:1-13

Dear one,

I love you because you are mine. I am overjoyed to give you good things. Never hesitate coming to me with requests. Come to me before anyone else. If it seems I am not answering you, keep asking. I am indeed hearing you and am preparing you to receive the best gifts.

I taught you how to pray. When you don't know how, I am happy to teach you again and again no matter what your'e experiencing in your heart and in your life. You never annoy me. No question is silly. You are my delight and I want you to always turn to me.

Often priests give a penance of a couple "Our Father's." Though it seems simple after sharing the gravity of your sins, I know that focusing on that prayer will bring you healing as you order your life to me. I am with you always.

In the Holy Mass, you wait until the bread and wine become my True Body & Blood to pray the words I gave you so together we can say OUR Father. You are not alone. Your life matters to me and I want to be your Savior. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door with be opened to you. Nothing is impossible for me. What do you want today?

Love, Jesus

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